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Liam Carter

Liam's Foreward
"Growing up, all of my friends dreamt of being astronauts, rockstars, scientists, and world leaders. I just wanted to be a motoring journalist. I'm not sure where it came from as it's been a part of me for almost as long as I can remember, but I've never stopped thinking about it. 

For me, Automotive Intake is my little slice of the pie. Something I've always dreamt of doing and I hope that it brings others a similar joy. Although, when a photographer of such caliber as Raife is in on the game, I'd be mightily surprised If it didn't. 

To all the motoring writers and content creators of the early 2010s, thank you. I hope this brings you a little smile when you're sitting on the toilet before bed."
Raife Smith

Raife's Foreward
"There is countless overwhelming emotional experiences in my life attached to cars. Most of my highest highs relate to the automobile. And together with Liam, I genuinely believe we can make something that can impart this feeling onto others. Through the experiences we have already had, and the ones that await us, I cannot wait to create exciting, visceral, and emotive content. I love every second I learn more about cars and capturing them, and to have a teammate alongside to venture further into that world with, and one that feels as strongly as I do about it... yeah, this is going to be something special. There is a lot to learn, a lot to experience, this is the beginning of this new venture. It is my dream to invest my time into something like this and I cannot wait to share it."
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